Friday, 15 December 2017

Maintaining public private keys & uploading public key during cloud service creation.

How to load the same public key downloaded during creation of JCS or DBCS cloud services.

Download the zip file (public + private keys)

Extract zip file.

Edit public key name as publicKey and give extension as .pub
Edit private key name as private-key and gicve extension as .ppk

Upload the public key while creating the JCS or DBCS instance.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Role-based security for Oracle JCS-SaaS Extensions.

Protect your users, protect your applications. Role-based security means that predefined roles and users determine who can access, deploy, and administer tasks in Oracle JCS - SaaS Extension and the applications deployed on it.

•As an administrator, you can access web-based Oracle JCS - SaaS Extension Control to manage and monitor a service instance. You can use the SDK to manage and monitor service instances.

• As a developer, you can use either embedded tooling in supported IDEs to directly interact with a service instance or the Oracle JCS - SaaS Extension SDK and Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Control to interact with service instances. Oracle JCS - SaaS Extension ships with enterprise-grade security, with isolated, dedicated virtual machines running your applications or extensions. There’s no environment sharing between tenants. The fully integrated Identity Management solution provides Single Sign-On (SSO) access between your extension and your SaaS applications, including self-service user management and access control. After you enable federation in the data center where your SaaS application is running, you can enable SSO without additional developer intervention. 

Oracle SalesCloud Data Syncronization with Custom Application

Configure Data Scheduler Using Oracle Database Cloud Service-based
Cloud Scheduler Package

The CLOUD-SCHEDULER package (present in Oracle DBCS) is a wrapper that exactly mirrors the standard DBMS_SCHEDULER package in an Oracle database. The scheduled job is a REST web service that performs data synchronization. The APEX_WEB_SERVICE package contains
functions to invoke and parse responses from web services.

A stored procedure that invokes the secured REST web service is as follows.

create or replace procedure "RESTWS_REQUEST"
l_clob clob;
l_buffer varchar2(32767);
l_clob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
p_url =>
p_http_method => 'GET',
p_username => 'AdminAccountGoesHere',
p_password => 'AdminaccountpasswdGoesHere'
l_buffer := dbms_lob.substr(l_clob, 32000, 1 );

Once the stored procedure is compiled and executed successfully, it can be scheduled
or run ad hoc using CLOUD_SCHEDULER.

A sample SQL code to invoke a CLOUD_SCHEDULER package that schedules the
above stored procedure with a defined frequency is as follows:
job_name => 'RESTSchedule1',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
job_action => 'RESTWS_REQUEST',
start_date => sysdate,
repeat_interval => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=5',
end_date => sysdate+2,
enabled => TRUE,
comments => 'Test scheduler every 5 mins');

Note: job_action corresponds to the name of the store procedure in
the sample above.

1) You can use the standard USER_SCHEDULER_% views to determine the status
and number of jobs you submitted:
 Select * from user_scheduler_jobs;

2) To view results or log of each instance of an executed job:

3) Once a job is created or scheduled, CLOUD_SCHEDULER allows you to run that job immediately on an ad hoc request using

4) You can disable the job in the scheduler by using cloud scheduler's DISABLE procedure using

Unable to get file lock, will retry ... issue with Integrated Weblogic server.

Environment : Using Integrated Weblogic Server.

Issue : <BEA-141281> <unable to get file lock, will retry ...
Solution : Delete DefaultServer.lok file present at below location
